Nature Trail High and Low

Nature Trail High and Low

In Dutch: Natuurpad Hoog en Laag

Doorwerth Kasteel
Doorwerth Kasteel seen from Nature Trail High and Low (natuurpad Hoog en Laag)

A short walk around Castle Doorwerth on roads and forest trails. Within 30 minutes you walk through the woods over the moraine and you can regularly enjoy the view over the floodplains.


Length: 2.1 kilometers
Setting: Dykes, forest
Roads: Forest paths, vowels and asphalt
Starting point: Kasteel Doorwerth
Parking: Free at Kasteel Doorwerth
Instructions: Follow white arrows on red plane. (read detailed description for more details)

Detailed description of Nature Trail High and Low

On 1 January 2018 this path was taken by a family, including a child of 7 years.

The instructions of the Gelders Landschap were given to follow the white arrows on a red background. Because I know the area a bit, I walked the route without seeing the red arrows at any moment. Despite the absence of these conductors, the route is simple enough to follow with the instructions below.

1. parkeer bij kasteel Doorwerth
1. Park at castle Doorwerth

The easiest method to start the trail is to park at Doorwerth Castle. It is free and easily accessible.

2. dijk rondom kasteel doorwerth
2. Dike around castle doorwerth

Around the castle on the dike
From the parking lot you can walk around the castle on the dike.

3. langs de kleine beek die de gracht rondom het kasteel vult
3. Along the small stream that fills the moat around the castle

From the dike you can see the stream that now fills the canal of the Castle.

4. rondom het poeltje aan het einde van de dijk
4. Around the pool at the end of the dike

At the end of the dike there is a pool. Walk around this counter clockwise.

5. achter het poeltje het zandpad de stuwwal op
5. behind the pool the sand path the moraine

Sand Path
Now walk up the moraine via this sandy path. Follow this path, at some point it will make a turn to the left.

6. Langs de ijskelder van kasteel Doorwerth
6. Along the way the ice cellar of Doorwerth castle

Ice cellar
The path will lead you past the old ice cellar of Doorwerth castle. Presently this houses bats.

7. volg hed pad over de stuwwal
7. Follow the path over the moraine

View over the floodplains
The path continues along the moraine along the flood plains.

8. verder de stuwwal op
8. continue to climb the moraine

Climb the moraine
At the paved path, turn right and continue up the moraine.

9. links het bos in over een onverharde weg
9. left into the forest on a dirt road

After hundred meters take the first unpaved path to the left.

10. keuze optie om de uitkijktoren te beklimmen
10. Optional climb the watchtower

Observation Tower
If you keep following the poles of the “klompenpad” you will reach the observation tower. From here you can look as far as Nijmegen and Germany.

11. de stuwwal af
11. descend the moraine

Descend the moraine
If you have been to the lookout tower you have to walk back a bit to follow the path to the right down the morraine.

12. over de weg naar het kasteel terug
12. on the way back to the castle

Back on the paved road
On the paved road, turn left and then immediately right. You are now walking on the dike around the Castle again. Follow this until you are back at the parking lot of the castle.